Good Things

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Over the last several weeks I’ve been struggling with a nasty respiratory illness. Honestly, I haven’t been this sick since I had Covid a few years ago. I collapsed on the floor this morning and my blood pressure is so low it’s living with my neighbor downstairs. So this isn’t going to be a long post…

On May 14 I read Proverbs 14 and verse 22 says, “Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” As I reflected on this beautiful promise, I was reminded of how planning good things can also bring joy. During this illness over the last couple weeks I’ve found this to be true. The month of May is busy with birthdays, Mother’s Day, graduations, etc. so I’ve been planning and putting together food and gifts during moments where I felt strong. It brought me so much joy in the midst of illness to do this. Without meaning to, I was obeying Scripture by planning what was good.

So what is “good”? The Hebrew word used in this passage is towb. When I looked it up, I found one of the longest definitions I have run across in my Strongs dictionary. The entire description takes up a page and a half (you can see an abbreviated version here). Basically, it means “to be joyful, glad, pleasant, lovely, appropriate, becoming, precious.” As an adjective, it means “favorable, festive, pleasing, pleasant, well, better, right, best.” This is the same word God used during creation, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was [towb]…” and “It is not [towb] for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 1:3-4 and Genesis 2:18.)

Despite what we may have been taught or believed, despite what our circumstances (or health) may try to tell us, despite what the devil would like us to believe, God wants good things for us. He also wants us to plan good things–whether it’s for the good of His kingdom, for our own good, or for the good of others. It is in planning good things that we will find joy, favor, love, and faithfulness.

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One response to “Good Things”

  1. CJ Avatar

    Praying for you